Sunday, November 29, 2015

Present ... a transition from future to past

We're tapering existence Physical -> Mental -> Psychological-> Spiritual. The form of energy we can easily manifest and regulate is physical. Our ancestors/Rishi's understood this equation thousands of years ago and created a holistic form of exersize called Yoga. We all know this, why we do not follow it. If we held a debate on Yoga thousands of people will express their expert opinions and some might have beyond average knowledge. I see people talking length on this topic but they never do yoga or any exersize. Just 20-30 minutes early in the morning can wake up all your senses, make you aware of your surroundings and a feel good factor.
Once you conquer physical part, your life changes and you move to mental and psychic elements by performing meditation. This second stage, transforms your brain and thought process. It is a change in your intellect. Third level you automatically start to learn going into timeless-space, in those moments present is just a transition from future to past. Eternity becomes perpendicular to time in those moments. What people call chakras automatically heals and spirit becomes stronger. In this state when you look at moon, sun, touch trees your spirit automatically receives energy from nature and you feel something is growing inside your heart. This feeling has no linguistic expression. It belongs to only those individuals who feel it.
Sprout your journey... those who do not excersize, please spend at least 20 minutes in a engaging physical activity every morning. Once you get in rhythm (couple of weeks) and make it a daily ritual I guarantee your life will transform. That does not mean problem will go away but how you deal with problems will certainly change.
Those who do not believe in all this .... at least their medical bills will minimize and a great motivation to people around you.
Remember water is fresh until it flows with speed... otherwise it is a house of mosquitoes, nobody likes it. 
Saurabh Srivastava

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tuning Social Outcomes with Positive Feeding

Take two statements: One positive and another intrinsically negative. Post both of them on social media sites. Empirical evidence is that negative news travels lightening faster than positive. Why so?
Media is becoming negativity engine and somewhere it has made it a hidden persuader inside us that we do not recognize. People enjoy reading such news and someone somewhere is getting richer with every single click on Internet or TV. Take a count of news items that causes anexcitement in all of us, their quality. These small engines of negativity are slowly taking over human senses and in next 25 years you can imagine the situation. Do not watch TV news for a day and miss all negative posts in social media and assess how you felt all day. Believe me if I run a tool to block negative news from social sites and new channels that day might result only 30% hit vs. daily average which is a tremendous revenue loss to technology companies and news channels. I do not condemn technology and media but how it is being used or persuaded to use in our society is questionable.
Like food is to our stomach, reading/watching is meal to our brain which influences us at physical, emotional and spiritual level. Please remember aforementioned channels are means to spread awareness/information rather making 200 interpretations of a single statement and presenting it in a format that causes mental/social disturbance. I still remember my childhood days when 20 minutes of succinct Doordarshan news was sufficient to gain awareness and general knowledge. Do we really spend 20 minutes now a days?
I request all of you to do an experiment and take notes somewhere…..
My effort is to make you selfish for a moment, I think if individual selfishness results in improved quality of life than collectively be an improved social outcome.
Links to my book: 
Facebook: The making of an Integrated-Leader

Friday, November 20, 2015

The making of an Integrated-Leader

My first book on leadership "The making of an Integrated-Leader" is now launched on Amazon. Please share this link with your family and friends.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bye Bye ... Michael

When I saw news on yahoo about Michael dies I couldn't believe it and thought it as another stunt by media based on assumptions as they always do. But, I was taken aback when it was confirmed and Internet flooded with this news. I'm not a diehard fan of Michael Jackson's music but I admire his good qualities and outstanding capabilities which most of us lack.
Recently, I was watching his interview with Oprah and liked the way he defined himself “I am an instrument of nature to spread love and music" who knows his purpose why God has sent him on earth. In millions and billions of population How many of us know our purpose in life? Why God has sent us? 8 hours of job, eating, sleeping etc. etc... Is our purpose in life? HELL NO. I'm still searching my purpose of life. Did you find yours????? Michael found his at age of five, started working on it and finished by the age of 40. His purpose was music, a champion of pop. Whole point I'm trying to make is that he did everything with perfection. He was passionate about his profession. Are we passionate about what we're doing? Or just doing it for the sake of it. I believe that a talent was put to sleep by God when God realized that Michael's purpose is complete on earth and now Michael will have to make a comeback on earth with a different name and body with a whole new purpose to again revolutionize and transform this world to make a better place to live. No one can argue that such a pop music genius is hard to find on earth. His message to us:
1) Do what you love
2) Excel in your profession
3) Realize your capabilities. Human beings have unconquerable will.
4) If you have passion about something, nobody can stop you from what you want, no matter which religion and country you belong whether you are rich or poor. Just work on it with complete faith and trust and success will be your destiny, nothing can deny your success.

He has given a new meaning to music industry. The music videos we watch on TV channels in different languages across the globe would not have existed without him. He invented music video concept with exciting graphics which have had been followed around the world and has become one of the biggest revenue generation tool in the entertainment industry. He was known to world way before Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Tiger Woods.

On an ending note I salute to Michael Jackson for his immeasurable capabilities and achievements and pray to God to send that talent back on earth with a purpose of spreading peace and humanity which is diminishing day-by-day. Because people like Michael know their purpose.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This is in continuation of my first post. You could say that it is second part of that series. Lets start with a question:
What Causes a Bad Luck? This is a very simple question but answer is esoteric.
Today, in pursuit of answer of this question I am putting down some facts that perhaps help me and you identify the culprits of bad luck.
In scientific terms, events in life happen in random order; you cannot guess what is going to be next? Even the luckiest person will have occasional bad luck. It is very likely for a person who is normally lucky will become truly unlucky. The bad times will be limited and rare. Why?
It is because those who are lucky are habitually thinking in a particular way and doing things in a particular way. Others have their own way of thinking and doing. And those habits are part of what causes a bad luck. For example "Blaming and making excuse" when they encounter bad times.
Blaming and making excuse are ways to avoid taking responsibilty for one's own life. It is a common trait among unlucky people.
It really might be someones fault, right? Other people really can contribute to a person's bad luck or bad situation. Why then, can blamimg be a bad habit and bring more bad luck? Its because your focus on foriegn factors that cause your problems takes your power away.

Many unlucky people can point out every person and circumstance that is to blame for their bad luck, but they cannot see what their own contribution to their situation is. Blaming and excuse making is a terrible approach to life. It eventually makes looking for causes outside oneself automatic. It is difficult for such a person to ever recognize the personal changes they need to make.
A story:
A man wants to stat a lawn-care business, and his friend agrees to be his partner. To start a business they needed a loan. They went to bank but could not approved for loan. They decided to get going without bank loan. Therefore, they started work manually without the automatic equipments required for lawn maintenance. He soon find his friend does not want to work as hard as he does at getting this business going. The whole thing starts to fall apart, and he tells everyone that it is fault of his friend who doe not work hard anymore, and bank did not provide money.
But are these causes of his failure? If he quits at this point and will think he is very unlucky. On the other hand if he learns lesson and takes responsibility for making business work, he will almost certainly succeed in time and see these problems as mere bumps on the road to success. Then he will be seen as a "lucky man" but he stopped and focusing on blaming. He could find a partner who is more commited or do it himself. Instead of blaming, he could have started observing the bottlenecks decaying his business.
The habit of concentarting on who and what is to blame does not motivate a person to do what is necessary. So four most important things are;
1) Observations
2) Learn your lessons
3) Take Responsibility
4) Take Action

Constant blaming and anything else that gets in the way of these four steps is a part of what causes bad luck.
summay of this article says that everything comes down to ourselves. We are responsible for our bad luck.
I will later add more to it.. bye for now

World’s Healthiest Countries

Fit factor: Long-lived citizens. With a life expectancy of 86 years, Japanese women live longer on average than any other people in the world. Japanese men don’t live as long, but they can still expect to live to the ripe old age of 79 years on average.

Health secrets: Low-cholesterol diets and exercise. Diets rich in fish, rice, and seaweed have long kept heart disease and cancer in Japan in check. Various fitness crazes and government-sponsored pre-work workouts have helped generations of Japanese maintain trim physiques, and today’s tech junkies have a little help of their own: Japan’s largest mobile telephone carrier just unveiled a “Fitness Phone” that measures daily activity.

Problem area: Rising rates of diabetes thanks to a growing appetite for high-fat Western foods. About 7 million Japanese currently suffer from the disease, which is spreading faster in Asia than any other region in the world.

Fit factor: Surprisingly low rates of heart disease, the world’s No. 1 killer
Health secrets: Slow dining and a daily glass of wine. The French diet is famously high in fat, but scientists speculate that the French penchant for smaller portions, longer meals, and moderate amounts of wine help keep heart disease at bay.
Problem area: Obesity rates are on the rise, and health experts worry that heart disease in France is simply showing a time lag, suggesting that deaths from the disease could increase as expanding waistlines become the norm.

Fit factor: Lowest infant mortality in the world
Health secrets: World-class natal care. Only Singapore can match Iceland for the honor of world’s healthiest infants, with just 2 deaths before the age of 5 (compared with the United States’ 7) for every 1,000 live births. Iceland offers extensive pre- and post-birth medical care funded by the government, perhaps explaining why the country has one of the highest birth rates in Europe. And three months of guaranteed professional leave for each parent at 80 percent of their salaries probably makes for a happy home life.
Problem area: Icelandic kids tend to have a sweet tooth. The country is one of the world’s top sugar consumers per capita, mostly thanks to a love of carbonated sodas, putting obesity rates on the rise.

Fit factor:
High cancer survival rates and nearly 100 percent child immunization
Health secrets: Government money and a comprehensive approach. Nearly 14 percent of Sweden’s government spending goes to healthcare (covering 85 percent of all medical bills in the country), and the country’s 9 million citizens are treated to cutting-edge medical technologies and the finest hospitals that money can buy. But money isn’t everything. Swedes believe that holistic social care—everything from happier professional lives to better street lights that encourage evening walks—results in healthier citizens and ultimately lower medical bills.
Problem area: Long waits for appointments and surgeries. Some small-scale attempts at privatization have been implemented to decrease wait times, but they’ve been inconsistent at best.

Fit factor: Lower infant mortality rate than the United States and similar life expectancies
Health secrets: More doctors per capita—6 for every 1,000 Cubans—than any other country. And although having more doctors doesn’t necessarily translate into a healthy populace, it does provide the government the workforce to focus on disease prevention, not to mention a shot in the arm to Fidel Castro’s medical diplomacy. Thousands of doctors are sent abroad each year to spread the gospel about Cuba’s socialized medicine, which, to be fair, has kept key health indicators at a level that rivals most developed countries. But Cubans no doubt appreciate the importance placed on early detection and prevention: When they do become ill, medicines and medical equipment are often in short supply.
Problem area: Lack of cash and the impending end of Castro’s era. Nutrition and treatable diseases have been on the rise thanks to shortages, and the more open a post-Castro Cuba becomes to the outside world, the more likely it will become susceptible to the deadliest U.S. import of all: the American diet.